So I have a Man Child in the "Promised Land", yet the only promise that I can make Him is that the system set up in this land was not meant to protect him. The news, media, entertainment industry and more have taken sides on the issues at hand, yet the one thing missing is unity. Jesus showed us that it is not about race, color, creed, gender or anything else for the matter-- but about unity.
When are we going to unify on our standards of education? When are we going to unify on our standards of living? When are we going to unify on our standards of worship? When are we going to unify as humans? When? It is unsettling to see such such promising futures cut short, not by one bullet, but by many. The many bullets and no indictment on numerous accounts, not just the media sensationalized accounts but the everyday accounts, shows the USA as a people divided to all other nations. How so? Wasn't it enough proof that the North Korean president had called the POTUS a "Black monkey in the White House? The USA has shown that it is a color stricken country with no means to an end. The violence has become overwhelmingly outrageous. We as a nation are at fault to some degree. Who are the people that stand in line for a pair of $400+ sneakers, newest iPhone or Samsung gadgets? Who are the people poisoning the minds of our young via the "Reality" TV that depicts people of color as false queens and kings? Who are the people that praise the newest twerk team, yet can't make it to a school recital? Who are the people that spend the most to impress people that could care less about whether you have the next meal on the table for your family? Jesus taught us that our gifts are given to us to uplift US. Then from the uplifting of US through our gifts, we can leave a legacy worth HIS KINGDOM! Not these false clowns in crowns? My son? Yeah, he knows the difference and I will strive everyday to educate him mentally, socially, economically and most importantly spiritually. So go ahead and protest the #Ferguson verdict as you count your pennies to shop #BlackFriday to make the powers that be even more powerful...aka follow the paper trail! Go ahead, and protest #JusticeforTrayvon as you donate to a cause that has nothing to do with your people #IceBucketChallenge. Go ahead and protest #JusticeforSeanBell #AmadouDiallo and the many more faces that made it to media as you dance to that new #HOTN*GGA song! Go ahead and protest #Isis as our young are being gunned down without question, regard or justice. I may seem like I'm all over the place with this post, but that is where my head is. I'm not surprised at all of the verdicts because I see what happened to my Savior Jesus Christ. I do know that His death had, and still has purpose. I know the death of these innocents, now and future, have purpose. Fast, Pray, Act on Purpose. #focusUP #PaperTracers #MyTEARShavePurpose KKDT
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May 2023