![]() Of course we heard it all before! Women are not ready to be president of the United States Of America! But, Queen Elizabeth has ruled for how long? We've also heard "Donald Trump is just playing a money laundering game so that he can pave the way for his best friends, The Clintons, back into the White House." Honestly, this election year has most Americans stumped on who to vote for. I began watching the electoral debates in my Msgr Scanlan High School classrooms, many moons ago. We were bored to death by them but understood the importance of watching them. We learned about what the candidates 'intended' on doing to better represent the American people. We also had our own debates within the classroom to prove our stance on who should win the elections.....based on facts! Now of days, we have electoral debates that consist solely on how one candidate can dig up as much dirt on the other and share with the masses. But, please explain to me how this is helping the future of our nation understand what it is to be American. Our children are bombarded with the senseless police killings of our black and brown CITIZENS, living in impoverished communities that also have to deal with world threats aside from territorial gang wars, children and teachers trying to stay above water in the new Common Core Standards of education created by corporate America and a slew of more nonsense to deal with on a daily basis. I know I don't speak for myself when I ask the following questions: What happen to God in America? What happened to putting the children and people first? What happened to candidates addressing issues within the foundation of our nation? What happened to creating the 'Land of the Free, Home of the Brave'? What happened to discussing policies that will advance our nation from the weakest link to the strongest? What happened to moving forward as a people -- 'One Nation, Under GOD, Indivisible with Liberty & Justice For ALL'? What happened to programs that encourage literacy and understanding? What happened to funding for the arts and sciences for all students, not just the privileged? What happened to.....you get the point? I don't want to hear about Hilary's private emails. I don't want to hear about Trump's tax returns. We already know what kind of blood suckers we are dealing with. How do we, the majority affect change in our nation? We VOTE! But not just on 11/8/16....Every election there is from community & state level to presidency has a purpose. The most important elections precede the presidential election. I was saddened to see so few people at the polls on 9/13/16. But, the very same people that didn't show will wonder why they didn't get the new school grant for books or shut down the funding for night club next to the church. Many have come and told me that their vote doesn't count. The only time it doesn't is when you don't vote. Period. Point. Blank. Enough of my rant. Listen, all I'm saying is read the facts, not just on the social media, not from the news, but from the actual candidates' documentation. But if you should use the web one site I like is http://votesmart.org/ due to their non-partisan stance. Another site is http://www.politics1.com/p2016.htm for their full access to candidates' profiles across the web. Educate yourself and then VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! KKDT
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May 2023