I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope. ![]() As humans, we are taught several things about waiting. We learn to take our time with certain things. For example, we are urged to take out time with educational assignments, standardized tests, preparing food and building relationships. Then, on the other hand, we are taught to rush the 'necessaries' and wait for the outcome. Examples of this are: running from the express train to wait for the local, running to the front of the line in a store but still have to wait to scan the sale items or the rushing to an interview to sit in the lobby and wait for your turn. We may hope for many things to go as swiftly and smoothly as possible, or as planned. We also forget what God commands us to do in 1 Peter 1v13, "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mid, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ". We are to be prepared by the minute and by the hour until Jesus Christ comes again. Even with these clear and concise guidelines from Bible, we choose to find our human agenda more important than waiting on the Lord. Sometimes our human agendas are no where close to what God has purposed for us. We ought to sought out the true purpose of our lives from cultivating deep relationships with the Lord. He has all the answers if we can slow down long enough and wait on Him. There will be times in our waiting that we may get discouraged. God has to move some things for our blessings to really show forth their importance not only in your life, but in the lives others. Many people miss their blessings, block their blessings, or are unaware of their blessings due to the rush of the human agenda. We don't have the mental or physical capacity to think and do as the Lord will do (or has done) for us. I ask that you mediate on Hope. Meditate on Faith. Meditate on Purpose. Wishing you Peace, Prosperity & Purpose! KKDT
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May 2023