Genesis 47v1-5
Often tiems we wonder ho we get into a Spiritual famine. A spiritual famine is when your Spirit Man is hungry for more of the Father but lacks the power to reach Him. During a spiritual famine you will have no progress in your physical and spiritual life. Lack of prayer, wisdom, understanding and even faith. So seriously, how do believers end up in such a state? Let us look at the turn of events that led God's people, the Israelites, into seven years of famine. Joseph, son of Israel was sold by his brothers into Egypt. Joseph then became a favorite to the Pharoah from his interpretations of phrophetic dreams. Two dreams in particular, both nightmares as he called them, be ame the ticket to Joseph's favor forever in Pharoah's heart. This is found in Genesis 41v14-43. During this time, Joseph's people were unaware of the famine coming upon the land. God used Pharoah to send a message to the chosen people of God. It is funny how God can use a non believer to show He is an awesome God. So time came to pass and Egypt had completed all the preparations for the famine: BE PREPARED. Joseph's family was suffering in the land of Caanan because the were not prepared. So why did it take two years of famine for Israel to seek help from Egypt? STUBBORN, SET IN OUR WAYS. Now we have Israel unprepared and stubborn. Sound familiar to you? How often you'd rather watch your favorite tv show than feed your spirit with the Word through meditation? How often you found yourself only praying to God at meal time or when trouble stirs? How often have you committed to Bible Study or Sunday School lessons? How often have you shared the Good News with a neighbor on the bus train, sidewalk, grocery store or wherever you frequent? How often have you fasted and prayed for someone other than yourself? How often have you blessed God with not just your mouth, but with your mind, body and spirit? How often have you witnessed to the power of God through all that is you? How often have you used your spiritual gifts from God to build the Kingdom of God? How often have you tested your finanical faith through tithes and offering? How often have you moved yourself out of the way so God can have ALL the Glory? We can pinpoint where our spiritual famine begins, but how do we become spiritually fatt again? Oh, where did the word fatt (the extra 't') come from? F is for faithful, A is for available, T is for teachable and T is for tenacious. Oh you thought the last 't' was for talented, not so. Lets save my explanation on that for another time. We must be faithful to our connection to the Greatest Spirit of Our Father. We must be available for God's instructions and tasks. Israel was available to pack up and move to Egypt from Caanan in Genesis 47v1-14. We must be teachable, for in all we do for God we learn from God. The Bible teaches us how to speak to God, how to obey God, how to live for God and how to Die for God. The connection we receive from learning such things lays way to the many lessons of the Spirit in our present worlds. Tenacity assures us not to grow weak in our well doing. We must always remember the pain and suffering that Jesus endured before he died for us, and how it is nothing compared to what we are to do for Him and the Trinity daily. I pray this reaches you in a FATT place in your life! If not, I hope this can bring you there! BE BLESSED!
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May 2023